With the holidays coming up, a lot of people are looking for ways to make some extra cash for gift shopping. One of the easiest ways to get some extra money around the holidays is to sell an old vehicle to a junk car buyer. If you’re interested in getting fast cash for junk cars in Fort Lauderdale, but you don’t know much about the process or what to expect, keep reading for some helpful tips to help you get the most out of selling your junk car.
What is a junk car?
It might seem like a basic question, but a lot of people wonder what qualifies as a junk car. After all, some cars that are still drivable might essentially be junk cars, while other junk cars have been sitting unused for years. Here are the three basic types:
- Totaled cars: Lots of cars become junk cars after crashes or accidents. If a car is totaled in an accident, the cost of repairing the car outweighs the total value of the car when it is repaired. In those cases, owners usually cut their losses by selling the car to a junk car buyer and using the funds to purchase a new car.
- Old, worn-out cars: Over time, cars naturally get old and break down. These old, worn-out cars are usually not drivable, but sometimes the cars can still be driven for brief periods of time. Even if a car is still technically drivable, it might be a junk car if it has so many mechanical problems that it isn’t worth it to put the money into repairs or part replacement.
- Abandoned cars: Sometimes, cars become junk cars when they are left parked in a garage or yard for so many years that they have essentially been abandoned. In most cases, cars that are parked for a long time already have mechanical or other issues, and leaving cars parked indefinitely only adds to existing problems and causes them to break down even further.
Why sell a junk car for cash?
Getting fast cash for junk cars in Fort Lauderdale offers a lot of great benefits. First and foremost, selling a junk car for cash allows owners to make some extra money. This cash can come in handy, especially around the holidays, when expenses tend to go up. In addition, selling a junk car is a great way to clear some space on your property. Getting rid of an old car that’s been sitting in a garage or driveway gives you more room for storage and projects.
Get fast cash for junk cars today!
Get fast cash for junk cars in Fort Lauderdale by reaching out to Junk Car Dog. We have lots of experience buying junk cars of all makes, models and years, and we are committed to making the process as easy as possible for our customers. We offer towing services and make same-day offers to help our customers get rid of their old cars and get cash in hand. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment with one of our technicians, and get rid of that old car on your property in exchange for some cash!